GAMETHING is an audio book-club about videogames. Each episode, experimental game designer Pippin Barr and oral historian David Wolinsky choose a game to play separately and exchange answering machine messages about it until the tape runs out. The result is a conversation about anything and everything (mostly everything) they find interesting about videogames.

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D (1995)

Tuesday May 09, 2023

Tuesday May 09, 2023

In which we play D (1995) and find out what the “D” means and whether literal monsters can be good parents.
Pippin accidentally joins dad for a reign of terror. David shoots dad with a precious family heirloom musket. These, and other GAMETHINGS.
D was developed by Warp and published by Acclaim and Panasonic in 1995.

End of messages, Season 4

Tuesday May 09, 2023

Tuesday May 09, 2023

In which we look horror in the eye, tell it what we think of it, and run away.
Pippin can’t unhear the screaming. David is here to help. These, and other GAMETHINGS.

Season 5 is on its way

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023

Shall we play a GAMETHING?

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

In which we introduce Season 5 of GAMETHING and reveal its theme. Beep boop, ERROR.


Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

In which we play SHENZHEN I/O (2016), a game of code, circuits, and Solitaire.
Pippin designed that VR Intimacy Buzzer you asked for. David goes through all the stages of grief in 30 minutes. These, and other GAMETHINGS.
SHENZHEN I/O was developed by Zachtronics and published by Zachtronics in 2016.

Quadrilateral Cowboy (2016)

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

In which we play Quadrilateral Cowboy (2016), a simulation of a techno-heist simulator.
Pippin is up for some more badminton if you are. David ponders the hidden complexities of fiddleocities. These, and other GAMETHINGS.
Quadrilateral Cowboy was developed by Blendo Games and published by Blendo Games in 2016.

One Dreamer (2022)

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

In which we play One Dreamer (2022), deploying pseudocode for functional efficiency and poignant self-expression  as Frank, a burnt-out indie developer haunted by his past.
Pippin gasps at all the global variables. David feels misled. These, and other GAMETHINGS.
One Dreamer was developed by F2House and published by F2House in 2022.

Hacknet (2015)

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

In which we play Hacknet (2015), an edge-of-the-office-chair thriller about exploiting cybersecurity flaws.
Pippin feels like he’s 12 again. David steals the high score. These, and other GAMETHINGS.
Hacknet was developed by Team Fractal Alligator and published by Fellow Traveller in 2015.

Carnage Heart (1995)

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023

In which we play Carnage Heart (1995), autonomous Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots.
Pippin builds little Roombas that could (destroy their enemies). David holes up in the library. These, and other GAMETHINGS.
Carnage Heart was developed by Artdink and published by Sony Computer Entertainment in 1995.

Human Resource Machine (2015)

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023

In which we play Human Resource Machine (2015), and order around a little office worker with carefully arranged, simple instructions.
Pippin comes face to face with Fibonacci. David now knows how the weatherperson must feel. These, and other GAMETHINGS.
Human Resource Machine was developed by Tomorrow Corporation and published by Tomorrow Corporation in 2015.

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